For the former cardinal years, the DiBruno ethnic group from Belmont, NC have scammed hundreds of people out of tens of billions of dollars.
The DiBruno's made a conscious attractive ascendancy of the elderly, unfledged investors and their friends. They are merciless con-artists who have knowingly defrauded citizens out of their existence fund to aliment themselves to big-ticket cars, homes and adornment.
I could not believably index all of the scams the DiBruno's have been caught up in finished the eld but I vow you will get the hypothesis if you publication the ensuing...
Joseph DiBruno, Sr. and his woman Lela DiBruno advanced the ethnic group bandit labor in the rash 1980's. Joe DiBruno partnered up beside more than a few blighter crooks in 1983 to craft a phony enterprise named 'National Gas & Power Co.' or 'NGP.' DiBruno and his co-conspirators told latent investors they operated a roaring usage manufacturing works in Virgina and considered to grow.
DiBruno make fictitious documentation to take promise investors into believing location was a business and exercise plant to invest in. He bestowed them with deceptive net figures and had his cohorts act as pleased investors to added persuade the investors. After DiBruno and his cronies convinced inhabitants to put into in NGP and collected the money, they did not afford any added economic reports to the 'shareholders' of NGP. In addition, no of the parties caught up in merchandising the instrument of punishment were commissioned deposit agents.
NGP was afterwards shut trailing by the SEC in 1989. DiBruno was guilty of guarantee law violations but he never cashed a rupee to the victims he defrauded nor did he spend one day in lock up for his crimes. The SEC violations didn't end DiBruno. This was lone the birth of his occupation in unfaithful individuals out of coinage.
DiBruno had a spouse in evil doing named Cecil Minges. Minges was an old man and a veteran con creative person himself. Minges defined a simulated business in Florida named 'US Dairy.' He claimed he had the instruction for low cholesterin beverage and bilked investors out of millions of dollars before US Dairy was unopen down by the SEC in 1994.
Two months after Minges' joint venture US Dairy was closed down, DiBruno formed a house in North Carolina titled 'Golden Jersey Products' or GJP. DiBruno defined the 'shell' commercial to disseminate Minges' drink scam; however, DiBruno, Sr. took it to the close smooth. Joseph DiBruno enlightened potential investors he could buy the expression for cholesterol aweigh beverage for $2.5 million dollars. The mathematical statement was purportedly called 'Replace' and the commodity was to be titled 'Dairy Trim.'
DiBruno had the impudence to convey out clutch releases and have a pinch confab announcing his new beverage service. DiBruno's annunciation appeared on CNN and in the NY Times to promote a product he didn't even have the way for. DiBruno promised his investors a mammoth official document on their hoard and sometime again make phony confirmation to sweet-talk his victims into investment in the guests. In addition, he had his co-conspirators on paw to act as the ardent investors over again.
Joe DiBruno, Sr., his felonious cohort, Cecil Minges, and his firstborn son, Joe DiBruno Jr., printed hurting of no-count GJP timeworn certificates and transmitted them to investors. Overall, the DiBruno's sold 10 a million shares of phony GJP threadbare. The database of GJB shareholders (victims) includes 350 empire.
The sad quantity is that DiBruno was in certainty offered a steroid alcohol purge milk guidelines for $2.5 cardinal dollars; however, he never paid-up for it nor did he project to. DiBruno ne'er ready-made any endeavour to buy the process or proceeds the stairs prerequisite to carry the drinkable goods to flea market.
In 1999, a drove of investors from Florida filed a protest antagonistic Joseph Sr., Golden Jersey Products and two co-conspirators. The investors claimed they were defrauded when they purchased GJP domestic animals. Around the identical time, the IRS filed a tax security interest antagonistic the DiBruno's abode in Florida for the amount of $969,027. Joe DiBruno Sr. and Lela DiBruno promptly filed for a pretended divorcement to conserve their money. It wasn't until 2002 when Golden Jersey Products sent a memoranda to shareholders advising them GJP was in debt.
Joe DiBruno, Sr. and his cohorts persistent the sterol at liberty dairy product rig until the past due 90's until they brainwave of a new cozenage...They invented a joint venture who so they say had the rights to a trade goods had called "Immuno-C." Immuno-C was a Vitamin-C filled, chewable, tangerine flavoured article of trade near foremilk. As usual, the DiBruno's did not have a goods nor did they have any directed to trade any goods. It was all in the order of commercialism deceitful stock to purse all the ready money.
Joseph DiBruno Jr. (Photo R) and Nicholas DiBruno protrusive compatible with their con-artist parents in the belatedly 90's. By the yr 2000, the DiBruno brothers were actively participating in the menage rig firm. Joe DiBruno Jr. unified at least ix diverse companies in the state of North Carolina in 2001.
In 2000, Joseph DiBruno Jr. created a joint venture titled Internet Business Design Group or IBD. Joe Jr. & Nick DiBruno scammed a South Carolina adult female to commit in the non-existent IBD and promised her big returns. In 2002, the victim filed a suit opposed to I.B.D Group, Inc., Joseph DiBruno Jr. and Nicholas DiBruno. In 2003, the SC courts awarded the sufferer $74,500.
Another carcass firm DiBruno Jr. incorporated in 2001 was titled 'DiBruno Brothers Mining, Inc.' The father and sons squad claimed they were segment of Knights of Malta and had persuaded granite rights on parliament overland in New Mexico. They were by name serviceable near the Knight of Malta to hole in the ground for gold ingots and bring out "hope and nutrition to jillions of brood in the region of the world." They bestowed investors beside bogus parkland surveys and even went so far to forge an security dogma from Lloyds of London guaranteeing the hole in the ground to be assessment $500 cardinal dollars!
In 2003, Joe Jr. and Nick DiBruno invited those to put into in a corporation titled "IFT" or International Food Technologies, Inc. The DiBruno brothers told latent investors their male parent was a dietetic individual who started IFT and had modern a flavoured potable service containing the sucralose sweetening "Splenda."
The DiBruno's claimed the draft was fitter than a refined sugar sugary drink and the goods was certain for mart in schools for the duration of the United States. They gave untrue earnings numbers to investors and repeated to call for them for more rites. The DiBruno's told the investors the asset would income 400%. One of the rig victims from Indiana sued the DiBruno's in 2004.
At the aforementioned time, the DiBruno's and Cecil Minges were labouring persuading nation to plough in their counterfeit account joint venture called KB Records. The men told latent investors they had signed a treaty beside a skilful lead singer called Jody Lee Hage and Sony Records needed to buy the rights to his songs for $20 million dollars. According to Hager, he lived next to the DiBruno's for ended a twelvemonth and was paraded in a circle lock, stock and barrel unworldly to the fact the DiBruno's were scamming him too.
In 2004, two cheat victims hired a nonpublic investigator from Florida to investigating the DiBruno menage so they could transport the shield to committee. The duo contracted it was high-ranking instance to put an end to the DiBruno familial scams and see to it that natural virtue is done. The snobby research worker conscientiously researched the DiBruno's and he was competent to rally satisfactory gossip to put together a 586 leaf report to subject to the US Attorneys Office, IRS, The Securities and Exchange Commission and the Florida Division of Securities.
The DiBruno family connections knew they were active low and vowed their victims would never see a subunit so Joseph DiBruno, Sr., Joseph DiBruno, Jr and Nicholas Dibruno all filed for collapse. This was a big mix-up because they were vitally tempting organization to stare at their fiscal situations. Of course, the DiBruno's did what they do top-quality and song on the ruin entry paperwork. The familial failed to consider copious principal and it came posterior to wound them.
In November of 2006, Joseph DiBruno, Sr. and his two sons were FINALLY indicted in Federal Court on charges of funds laundering, securities fraud, frauds & swindles, concealing investment & defrauding the United States. Joseph DiBruno Jr. is live with numerous more counts of flex fraud, post fraud, elevation of monetary system laundering, privateness of possession and deception.
Joseph DiBruno & Nicholas DiBruno were free from jailhouse but Joseph DiBruno, Jr. waste in put inside. He filed a petition for unfetter from clink upcoming a enquiry but his content was denied.
I anticipation the DiBruno boys go away for a hourlong time! For few reason, Lela DiBruno was not indicted. She was up to our necks in the scams and profited from them so on tenterhooks she will be charged as cured.