As you may know affiliate marketing is very popular and I personally believe this will stay so for a very long time. If you don't know affiliates marketing it's a system were you get a commission of the sales price. With clickbank it can be as high as 75%. As an affiliate you don't have to pay to signup. So if you wish you can even start today.
Affiliate marketer is profitable for the affiliate and the publisher as well. As an affiliate you don't have to take time to spend time creating your own product. As a publisher you can get free sales without doing nothing. The affiliates are doing the job for you.
I'm an affiliate myself and I would like to point out some great futures about clickbank.
- They send you cheques every 2 weeks.
- Helpful is the tracking tool so you know what campaigns deliver sales.
- Thousands and thousand products to chose for. I have several sites and for almost every
niche you can find a product on clickbank. Marketing, law, dating , gambling , investing ,
sport and so much more. Name it and you will find a product there.
- The payout is really high. It depends on the product but it's always between 25% and 100%.
Take this as a tip from me only promote products with a sales percentage of 50% or higher.
How do you get products to promote$%:
The best way to find product related to your site is too go the marketplace. You can browse the items or just type in a search to find products related to your niche. Very important click on the create hoplink if you do that you will see a unique code that contains your affiliate link
I see some stat, what do they mean$%:
$/sale: This is how much you will get on average if you promote this product. Refund are deducted here.
%/sale: How much you get if you promote this clickbank product. Between 25% - 75%
%ref/d. How much sales came from referrals. From my own experience I can tell if they have a very low referral percentage it's not such a good idea to promote it.
Grav(ity): This is the popularity of a certain clickbank product. Don't try to promote products with a very high gravity products with gravity between 25 and 70 is your best bet. If you have more experiences you can promote higher related products as well.
The most important thing: The sales page.
I said before you don't have to contact the potential customers. You can do that if you have more experience with affiliate marketing but as a starter it's not necessary. Now visit the sales page of the affiliate and ask yourself have they a few important key elements.
- Impressive headline.
- Testimonials
- A call to action
- Comfortable price (to low and you won't see much money, to high and you won't see much sales)
- Proper spelling and grammar.
- Do they promote more then one product$%: (If the answer is yes don't promote it).
Normally most of the authors who submit their products trough internet know to market it.
If you see a sales page with an impressive red headline then you can say this is someone who knows how to write so promote it.
So I hope with reading these articles you got a good idea what clickbank is and how it can make money from you. However the only way to make money is working hard, testing and improving.